Hey! My Name Is Or.

Hey! My Name Is Or.

I started rayofalpine.com to share my love for nature and the outdoors. My goal is to learn and educate others, so we can all have great adventures. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or planning your first night in a tent, this website has all the resources you need.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been passionate about the outdoors and found nature relaxing. I was fascinated by nature’s beauty, and by the serenity that can be found outdoors. Nowadays I explore the outdoors whenever I have a chance. I go on adventures mainly on weekends and between my university semesters.

I try to create comprehensive guides on various topics in the outdoor space. I like sharing my personal experiences, stories, and recommendations

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope it will inspire you to explore the outdoors and create new memories.


Here’s what I write about

Here are the main categories on the website, where you can find helpful information, gear recommendation, and more.

Read some of my recent posts